
NiceNIC Ranked among ICANN Accredited Registrar List

發(fā)布時間:2013-01-15 13:53:14   瀏覽人數(shù): 18175 次  

2012 is doomed to be an extraodinary year, 2012 welcomes NiceNIC milestone, 2012 marks a newborn ranked among ICANN Accredited Registrar list after 7 years' continuing effort and surviving from intense competition, we NiceNICers are definitely proud of her accomplishment nowadays.


Below is the letter of congratulation from Verisign:
"It is our pleasure to congratulate you on becoming an ICANN accredited registrar. Now that you have met the requirements of ICANN, our team is looking forward to assisting you in completing the Verisign certification process so you can quickly begin registering .com and .net domain names. We hope this support will prove to be helpful in reducing the investment of your internal resources and time."


"ICANN has informed .ORG, managed by the Public Interest Registry (PIR) that you have recently completed your ICANN accreditation to become a registrar and wish to partner with us by becoming an .ORG accredited registrar."


"We received notification from ICANN that you have added the .tel appendix to your agreement with them. There hasn't been a better time to become involved with .tel domains and we are pleased to assist you in becoming accredited as a participating .tel registrar."


"Congrats on your recent ICANN Accreditation..."



"We have been notified that your company is now ICANN-accredited as a .BIZ registrar.  Neustar looks forward to getting your company up and running as soon as possible!"


More registries will be notified by ICANN for the corresponding domain names signed in the RAA in the next days, we NiceNIC have been staying for the disposal of sign-up/accreditation process, striving to save time and expedite each step if possible. The concerned technical staffs have been arranged to re-set the product prices to a more competitive level. Detailed information will come out when available. 


Flying with the strong momentum, our English version website NiceNIC.NETwas launched with her unique style of "Keep Internet Simple Stupid" (acronym "KISS"), and dedicated to offer clients easy to navigate, fast to locate services in domain name registration, web hosting purchase, 1 to 1 customer support.


Standing at the peak of internet infrastruture, we firstly need to appreciate every client, and every website viewer who ever stayed here, without your persistant support and comprehension, we are nothing, hope 2012 will bring you and your family lucky, happy, healthy life.


Reference links:





ZhuHai NaiSiNiKe Information Technology Co Ltd. 2009 China .asia .biz .com .info .mobi .name .net .org .tel .xxx


All the best,

NiceNIC.NET Team

ZhuHai NaiSiNiKe Information Technology Co., Ltd.



上一篇:Why does NiceNIC Reseller Program try a prepaid system?
下一篇:Registrar Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy

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